Asha Jyothi 2014 Annual Day & Happy Hour

We are excited to invite you all to Asha-Jyothi’s Annual Day Celebration on May 31st from 4-6 PM. It is a great opportunity for AJ team to showcase to our supporters, volunteers and friends the milestones we have reached so far, strengthen our vision and reaffirm our plans.
High level Agenda:
•4 – 4:30 PM – Meet & Greet
•4:30 – 5PM – AJ Year in Review, Milestones, Vision and Finance
•5- 5:30PM – Q & A; Feedback & interactions
•5:30 onwards – Happy Hour, Snacks and refreshments will be served 🙂
It is very important for AJ to have your presence, listen to your questions and feedback etc. Please respond to the invite and hoping you can attend (please be on time). It would be excellent if you can also forward the invite to your friends/colleagues who are interested to participate and are keen on volunteering for opportunities big or small.
-Thanks AJ TEAM