Building Roof for a School
Kajuluru Mandal Elementary School is in Pallipalem, East Godavari, Andhra, India. The school has 3 classrooms and has no functional roof. During monsoon season and hot summers, school is not able to function properly. Children and Parents are also scared of this failing roof. Their education is being delayed and sometimes even stopped. Asha-Jyothi believes that nothing should stop children from getting their education as it’s their right. “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” -Nelson Mandela.

The total estimated cost to get a new roof, repair the walls and floors with painting is $10,000 (Rs. 7,50,000). Your donation would allow us to complete this necessary work. Kids from this school pledged that they will add murals to school as they can’t afford the financial burden to get new roof. Donating any amount can help these children to continue their education.