Build Shelter Home for Child Beggars (AJYL)

Announcing “AJ Youth Leadership” program to encourage teenagers to get involved and give back at an early age. Asha-Jyothi Team will guide the youth volunteers to provide a platform to collaborate, share creative ideas so these kids can help raise funds to solve basic issues underprivileged face to obtain basic education and healthcare.
One such program we are taking on is building of an orphanage for Generation Yuvaa, a non-governmental organization that provides shelter to kids rescued from child begging in Visakhapatnam, AP, India. Asha-Jyothi Leadership team visited this wonderful organization and learnt about its program first-hand. Generation Yuvaa rescues child beggars from the streets, puts them through an year of rehab and educates them through private schools while hosting them at shelter homes. As part of the process these kids are provided proper food, medical care and taught basic values of life – respect, kindness, caring for your property and being a good citizen. They are also taught to garden, care for plants and stray animals. The current facility houses 190 kids in 3 locations, and many more kids in waiting. Hence, a fundraiser is created to build a bigger orphanage.AJ Youth Leaders from across the US are partnering to build the shelter home that can host an additional 100 Kids. This is a first of a kind program that will be run by Asha-Jyothi volunteers who are all below the age of 18 and this provides a great experience to collaborate with others across the US.Kindly make a generous donation so the shelter home is built successfully. If you are planning a visit to India and interested to experience the good work done by this organization please send us an e-mail to