Quick Glance @ 2021-2022 Campaigns

While this is not a Comprehensive List, here are some of the Major campaigns Undertaken by Asha-Jyothi since September 2021 Education Campaigns: Benches Donation...

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30,000 Diapers Donation

AJ Youth volunteers from New Jersey – Laasya, Lalith and Anjali raised funds to contribute 30,000 diapers to HomeFront a non-profit organization that helps...

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$45,000 Donation to Waxpool School

Waxpool Elementary School (ES) aspires to be a school that focuses on the student as a whole, beyond instruction, grades, and scores. A school...

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Madhira Medical Campaign

Asha Jyothi with help of Kona Lakshmi Mohan Rao garu and many donors including significant contributions from Anil Kona, Venugopal Narayabhatla and friends is...

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Uplift Africa: Crop Seeds to Women

Pambaya Village is a very small interior village in Uganda, Africa. Fr. Prasad requested Asha-Jyothi’s help for a group of 44 women to help...

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Helping Ukrainian Refugee Family

Last week, an 8 year old boy fled Ukraine with his family leaving everything his family owned behind. Starting 2nd grade in a elementary...

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Water Filtration Plant Constructed for Generation Yuvaa School

Generation Yuvaa in Vizag, India is a school Asha-Jyothi built to provide shelter to 157 kids rescued from child begging in 2019. The school...

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Supplies for Special Needs Children

Samaya Talluru and Ashika Ganta, high school students in Virginia, completed their first phase of distribution of materials to Sunflower Educational and Charitable Society...

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Philly Youth Volunteers raise $400 through NATA Event

During the NATA Women’s Day program at Stetson Middle School Philadelphia, Asha-Jyothi Youth Volunteers raised $400. These volunteers spoke to the event participants about...

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FCPS Resolution Honoring Asha-Jyothi

On January 27th, 2022, the Asha-Jyothi team were invited to attend the Fairfax County Public School board meeting. At this meeting, the school board...

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